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HIV/AIDS News Bradford McIntyre

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - www.aidslaw.ca


Endorsed by more than 80 civil society organizations from around the world

NOVEMBER 21, 2012 - From around the world, we are organizations actively engaged in responding to the global AIDS crisis. We write to remind you that, while great progress has been made on preventing millions of new HIV infections and getting life-saving medicines to those in need, this epidemic is far from over. We urge you to seize the opportunity before you to fix Canada's Access to Medicines Regime (CAMR) and make a significant contribution to overcoming this global tragedy.

At this time, still fewer than half of those people in low- and middle-income countries who need AIDS drugs are able to get them. The situation is even worse for children with HIV. Millions more will die unless the international commitment to achieve "universal access" to AIDS treatment is maintained.

For countries with limited resources, medicines must be affordable. Many countries cannot afford expensive, patented brand-name medicines. Harnessing the power of market competition through access to generics has been critical thus far in getting more affordable AIDS medicines to millions in the developing world. But this progress must be sustained and expanded, and laws such as CAMR could help, if made workable.

More than eight years ago, every single Canadian parliamentarian voted to create CAMR, a law aimed at enabling the supply of more affordable, generic medicines to treat HIV and other public health problems. This law was a pledge by Canada to help respond to the health needs of the developing world. Indeed, it was an important initiative which set a global precedent.

But as you know, CAMR has not delivered what was promised. Bureaucratic red tape has kept it from being the simple, rapid, flexible tool that is needed. We urge you to act now to fix it by adopting the reforms proposed by Canadian treatment advocates, including the "one-licence solution" that will streamline and simplify the law so that generic medicines can be supplied quickly and easily, at competitive prices, in response to the evolving needs of developing countries.

This is a concrete contribution you can make, as Canadian parliamentarians and leaders, to supporting developing countries struggling to turn the tide on the global AIDS crisis and address other public health needs of their people. Saving millions of lives is within our collective power. We ask that you do your part and help Canada deliver on its promise of affordable medicines for all.

T hese organizations join their voices to the lengthy list of Canadian faith leaders, scientists and physicians and other prominent people calling on Parliament to fix CAMR. For further information, and to view a list of CAMR partners, please visit www.medicinesforall.ca/partners.php .


About the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Since 1992, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network ( www.aidslaw.ca ) has been promoting the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, in Canada and internationally, through research, legal and policy analysis, education, and community mobilization.  The Legal Network is Canada 's leading advocacy organization working on the legal and human rights issues raised by HIV/AIDS.

For more information and to schedule interviews, please contact:
Janet Butler-McPhee
Director of Communications
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
416-595-1666 ext. 228 416-268-2549 (cell) www.aidslaw.ca/stopcriminalization

www.aidslaw.ca | www.twitter.com/aidslaw


Appuyé par plus de 80 organismes de la société civile, aux quatre coins du monde

21 NOVEMBRE, 2012 - Nous sommes des organismes activement impliqués dans la riposte à la crise du sida à l'échelle mondiale. Nous écrivons pour vous rappeler que, malgré les grands progrès réalisés dans la prévention de millions de nouvelles infections par le VIH et la fourniture de médicaments salvateurs aux personnes dans le besoin, l'épidémie est loin d'être terminée. Nous vous exhortons à saisir l'occasion qui se présente à vous, de rectifier le Régime canadien d'accès aux médicaments (RCAM) et de contribuer de manière significative à mettre un terme à cette tragédie mondiale.

À l'heure actuelle, moins de la moitié des personnes qui ont besoin de médicaments contre le sida en reçoivent, dans les pays à revenu faible et moyen. La situation est encore pire chez les enfants vivant avec le VIH. Des millions d'autres mourront, à moins que soit maintenu l'engagement international à l'« accès universel » au traitement.

Il y a plus de huit ans, tous les parlementaires canadiens ont appuyé la création du RCAM, une loi visant à permettre la fourniture de médicaments génériques plus abordables pour le VIH et d'autres problèmes de santé publique. Cette promesse du Canada, de contribuer à la réponse aux besoins de santé du monde en développement, constituait un précédent mondial.

Mais comme vous le savez, le RCAM n'a pas rempli sa promesse. Des lourdeurs bureaucratiques l'ont empêché de devenir l'outil simple, rapide et flexible qu'il devrait être. Nous vous exhortons à le rectifier dès maintenant, en adoptant les réformes proposées par des militants canadiens pour les traitements, comme la « solution à licence unique » qui simplifierait la loi afin que des médicaments génériques puissent être fournis rapidement et facilement, à des prix concurrentiels et en tenant compte des besoins changeants des pays en développement. C'est là un geste concret que vous pouvez poser, en tant que parlementaires et leaders canadiens, pour aider les pays en développement à stopper la crise mondiale du sida et à répondre à d'autres besoins de santé publique. Nous avons le pouvoir collectif de sauver des millions de vies. Nous vous demandons de faire votre part pour que le Canada tienne sa promesse de médicaments abordables pour tous.

Ces organismes joignent leur voix à la longue liste de leaders spirituels, de scientifiques, de médecins et d'autres Canadien-nes de renom qui demandent au Parlement de rectifier le RCAM. Pour plus d'information, et pour une liste des partenaires, visitez http://www.medicamentspourtous.ca/partenaires.php .


Pour de plus amples renseignements et pour planifier des entrevues avec des représentants de la société civile, veuillez communiquer avec :

Janet Butler-McPhee
Directrice des communications
Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida
416-595-1666 (poste 228)
416-268-2549 (cellu.)


Endorsed by:

ACT UP Boston , USA

Act Up-Paris , France

AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC), USA

AIDS Treatment News , USA

Akwenyutu Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Uganda


Alliance of Counties against HIV AIDS, Kenya

Apostolic Faith Mission Social Development Division, Lesotho

Apparel Lesotho Alliance to Fight AIDS (ALAFA), Lesotho

Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+), Global

Asociación Hetaira , Spain

bufaS - Bündnis der Fachberatungsstellen für Sexarbeiter_innen, Germany

BUKO Pharma-Kampagne , Germany

Cambodian Haemophilia Association, Cambodia

Centre for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), Uganda

Church of Scotland (HIV Programme), UK

Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS, Malawi

COHEWAS, Eldoret, Kenya

Communaute camerounaise des femmes positives, Cameroon

Community of Women Living with HIV, Lesotho

Desiree Alliance , USA

Ethiopian Hemophilia Society (EHS), Ethiopia

Family Rescue Initiatives, Uganda

Family Support Initiative (FASI), Uganda

Global Coalition of Women against AIDS in Uganda , Global

Global Network of People with HIV, North America (GNP+ NA), North America

Global Network of Sex Work Projects, USA

Greek Haemophilia Society (GHS), Greece

Haemophilia Foundation of Nigeria , Nigeria

Health GAP (Global Access Project), USA , Kenya

HelpAge International, UK

Hemophilia Federation, India

Hemophilia Society of Bangladesh , Bangladesh

HIV Prevention Justice Alliance (HIV PJA), USA

Homecare Angels , Kenya

International Civil Society Support, The Netherlands

International Planned Parenthood Federation, USA

Iraqi Hemophilia Society , Iraq

Irish Haemophilia Society Ltd, Ireland

John Augustus Abendo Charitable Organization, Kenya

Kawempe Homebased Caregivers Alliance , Uganda

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN), Kenya

Kibera Community Self Help Program (KICOSHEP-K), Kenya

Latvia Hemophilia Society , Latvia

Lesotho Nurses Association, Lesotho

Médecins Sans Frontières Access Campaign, Global

Mesa de Concertacion LTGB y TS de Lima Metropolitana, Peru

Mother's Club , Uganda

Namibia Women Health Network , Namibia

National Community of Women Living with HIV, Uganda

Network for Disabled People Living with AIDS, Tanzania

Network of Journalists Living with HIV (JONEHA), Malawi

Pan African Positive Women's Coalition, Global

PLHIV, Tunisia

Positive Life Organisation (PLON), Nigeria

Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+), Malaysia

Positive Women's Network , South Africa

Positive Youth Initiative Nigeria (PYIN), Nigeria

Positve Life Organisation, Nigeria (PLON), Nigeria

Prosressio , Zimbabwe

Public Citizen (Global Access to Medicines Program), USA

Serbian Haemophilia Society , Serbia

SHIVouth Sudan Network of PLHIV, South Sudan

Slum Women's Initiative for Development, Uganda

Social Welfare Corporation Habataki Welfare Project , Japan

Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA), Ghana

Stop AIDS Campaign , UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development, UK

Student Global AIDS Campaign, Global

TAMPEP International Foundation, The Netherlands

Thai Treatment Action Group, Thailand

The AIDS Support Organization (TASO), Uganda

The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF), USA

Timret Lehiwat Ethiopia , Ethiopia

Tunisia Rahma of PLHIV and GS++ of PLHIV, Tunisia

UCOGAC Secretariat , Uganda

Victory Foundation , Kenya

Vision Alive, Kenya

WEECE (Womens  Education and Economic Centre), Tanzania

WEM Integrated Health Services (WEMIHS), Kenya

Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Amuria District , Uganda

World AIDS Campaign , USA

Young Achievers, Namibia


Signataires :

ACT UP Boston , États-Unis

Act Up-Paris , France

AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC),  États-Unis

AIDS Treatment News, États-Unis

Akwenyutu Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Ouganda

ALCIS NGO, Rép. dém. Congo

Alliance of Counties against HIV AIDS, Kenya

Apostolic Faith Mission Social Development Division, Lesotho

Apparel Lesotho Alliance to Fight AIDS (ALAFA), Lesotho

Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+), mondial

Asociación Hetaira, Espagne

bufaS - Bündnis der Fachberatungsstellen für Sexarbeiter_innen, Allemagne

BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, Allemagne

Cambodian Haemophilia Association, Cambodge

Centre for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), Ouganda

Church of Scotland (HIV Programme), Royaume-Uni

Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS, Malawi

COHEWAS, Eldoret, Kenya

Communaute camerounaise des femmes positives, Cameroun

Community of Women Living with HIV, Lesotho

Desiree Alliance , États-Unis

Ethiopian Hemophilia Society (EHS), Éthiopie

Family Rescue Initiatives, Ouganda

Family Support Initiative (FASI), Ouganda

Global Coalition of Women against AIDS in Uganda , mondial

Global Network of People with HIV, North America (GNP+ NA), Amérique du Nord

Global Network of Sex Work Projects, États-Unis

Greek Haemophilia Society (GHS), Grèce

Haemophilia Foundation of Nigeria , Nigéria

Health GAP (Global Access Project), États-Unis, Kenya

HelpAge International, Royaume-Uni

Hemophilia Federation, Inde

Hemophilia Society of Bangladesh , Bangladesh

HIV Prevention Justice Alliance (HIV PJA), États-Unis

Homecare Angels, Kenya

International Civil Society Support, Pays-Bas

International Planned Parenthood Federation, États-Unis

Iraqi  Hemophilia  Society, Iraq

Irish Haemophilia Society Ltd, Irlande

John Augustus Abendo Charitable Organization, Kenya

Kawempe Homebased Caregivers Alliance , Ouganda

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN), Kenya

Kibera Community Self Help Program (KICOSHEP-K), Kenya

Latvia Hemophilia Society, Lettonie

Lesotho Nurses Association, Lesotho

Médecins Sans Frontières Access Campaign, mondial

Mesa de Concertacion LTGB y TS de Lima Metropolitana, Pérou

Mother's Club, Ouganda

Namibia Women Health Network, Namibie

National Community of Women Living with HIV, Ouganda

Network for Disabled People Living with AIDS, Tanzanie

Network of Journalists Living with HIV (JONEHA), Malawi

Pan African Positive Women's Coalition, mondial

PLHIV, Tunisie

Positive Life Organisation (PLON), Nigéria

Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+), Malaisie

Positive Women's Network, Afrique du Sud

Positive Youth Initiative Nigéria (PYIN), Nigeria

Positve Life Organisation, Nigéria (PLON), Nigeria

Prosressio , Zimbabwe

Public Citizen (Global Access to Medicines Program), États-Unis

Serbian Haemophilia Society, Serbie

SHIVouth Sudan Network of PLHIV, Soudan Sud

Slum Women's Initiative for Development, Ouganda

Social Welfare Corporation Habataki Welfare Project, Japon

Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA), Ghana

Stop AIDS Campaign , UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development, Royaume-Uni

Student Global AIDS Campaign, mondial

TAMPEP International Foundation, Pays-Bas

Thai Treatment Action Group, Thaïlande

The AIDS Support Organization (TASO), Ouganda

The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF), États-Unis

Timret Lehiwat Ethiopia , Éthiopie

Tunisia Rahma of PLHIV and GS++ of PLHIV, Tunisie

UCOGAC Secretariat, Ouganda

Victory Foundation , Kenya

Vision Alive, Kenya

WEECE (Womens  Education and Economic Centre), Tanzanie

WEM Integrated Health Services (WEMIHS), Kenya

Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Amuria District, Ouganda

World AIDS Campaign, États-Unis

Young Achievers, Namibie

Reproduced with permission - "Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network"

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

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